I don't know about you, but after this week I could use a nice time lapse video right about now. So soak up Very Little Stars, made by Ben Wiggins. It starts off like most do, showing beautiful nature scenery and using a slowly moving rig to change the perspective; I love that sort of thing because it adds a sense of drama and unearthliness I find very compelling. But you'll get a hint of more at about 55 seconds in, when he shows a "tilt shift" scene, using focus to make normal-sized objects look tiny. But then at a minute twenty, things get very interesting indeed.
[embed width="610"]http://vimeo.com/50061391[/embed]
That is so cool! That train shot, and then the city, were clearly taken from a moving car using a slow frame rate. The sense of inertia, speed, while still depicting slow motion is enthralling. The music helps, too. The technical difference between this and other time lapse videos isn't huge, but it really affects the feel and impact of the resulting photography.
Tip o' the lens cap to It's Okay To be Smart, a blog you should be reading.