Can you draw? Yeah, me neither. But don't let that stop you from entering the Florida Citizens for Science Stick Science contest! The concept is simple:
Contest for ages 13 through adult: Your job is to create a cartoon that can be used to educate the general public and especially decision makers (state legislators, school board members) about the truth behind one false argument. Choose an argument... and create a cartoon that corrects the record. Contest for ages 12 and under: Your job is to create a cartoon that tells everyone "why understanding science is important."
The winners receive some cool prizes, and the cartoons will be judged by "celebrity" skeptics/scientists (in quotes because they picked me as a judge, but Genie Scott certainly counts). So, can you do better than this?
If I'm not too embarrassed to post that, then you can certainly do one of your own and send it in. The deadline is May 31, so get cracking!