There is nothing you can say about Mike Adams that is more revealing than what appears at his website, Natural News. For example, today’s bolded headline:
US Navy sailors “disappeared” – Fukushima radiation cover-up
Among the day’s “most read” articles:
Companies begin planting microchips under employees’ skin
Yes, this would be the same Mike Adams that Dr. Oz featured on his show last year. This would be the same Mike Adams who compared Monsanto and its “collaborators” in the media to Nazis. In case you didn’t get the message, he added, in that same article:
it is the moral right — and even the obligation — of human beings everywhere to actively plan and carry out the killing of those engaged in heinous crimes against humanity.
Shockingly, he went even further, as I reported at the time.
If you want to learn more of the backstory to Adams, including his methods and how he first elevated his profile, read this in-depth investigation by Think Progress. As its article notes:
The “natural” nutrition and health space is, of course, filled with a range of talking heads offering advice that rejects scientific consensus and, in so doing, crosses the thin line separating personal agency from medical irresponsibility.
Adams inhabits a space on the internet that is a cross between Weekly World News and Alex Jones Infowars. It’s good to see others, like ThinkProgress, taking a closer look at what he’s been saying and selling.