Researchers at Johns Hopkins University develop a single-injection treatment that prevents heroin withdrawal for six weeks.
NASA’s Stardust spacecraft captures the first-ever comet dust samples, along with close-up views of the pockmarked comet Wild 2.
Environmental researchers predict that changes from global warming could push 1 million species toward extinction by 2050.
Fluid dynamics researchers observe the formation and collapse of antibubbles—spheres of liquid surrounded by gas.
Engineers at UC Berkeley and Stanford claim they have created the first working silicon circuit that uses carbon nanotubes.
Stradivarius violins may owe their sound quality to the dense wood of slow-growing trees from the “little ice age” (1645 to 1715).
Scientists begin tests of an enzyme that seems to destroy the prion, or rogue protein, that is believed to cause mad cow disease.
The United States, Russia, and China announce plans to create a global-ring computer network for educational and scientific projects.