As many commenters will be quick to tell you, this is a physics blog and we should stay away from politics, about which we are hopelessly naive. But I have the keys to the blog, so I can occasionally quote myself. March 2007:
The fact that Rudy Giuliani is currently leading in Republican polls, and that smart people occasionally opine that he could win the election or even be a good President, is a source of unlimited amazement to me... If Rudy Giuliani wins the 2008 general election, I promise to never again make a political prediction in public for the rest of my life.
Whew, that was a close one!
Heck, I may do nothing but politics from now on. If Mark Penn and Bob Shrum can pull down millions as Democratic consultants, why not me? Best quote from that comment thread: "Fred Thompson isn’t inspiring anyone? Once again, Sean Carroll erroneously invokes pluralis majestatis."