"Falsification of illness occurs when a patient fabricates symptoms or induces a physical illness. A recent review of the literature covering the past 3 decades identified 42 published case studies of falsified illness in children younger than 18 years of age (1). The psychiatric term for illness falsification is “factitious disorder,” which is defined as an intentional, self-inflicted, or fabricated illness or symptom motivated solely by the individual's need to assume the sick role, without external incentives (2). Children are at risk of developing a chronic pattern of illness falsification with the potential for serious self-harm as the sophistication of their fabrications increase. Therefore, early detection and intervention is essential (1). We report a unique case of a factitious illness in which an adolescent diluted stool samples with water to feign chronic diarrhea. The purpose of this report is to heighten awareness of the existence of factitious illnesses in childhood and adolescence and to discuss the diagnosis of factitious diarrhea."
Thanks to Ari for today's ROFL!
Photo: flickr/EDgAr H.
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