"The copulatory vocalizations of female baboons (Papio ursinus) are more complex than those of female gibbons (Hylobates hoolock) or human females. Adult males of all these species begin calling later than the female, but subordinate baboon males do not call. Copulatory vocalizations may serve to mutually stimulate the mating partners or to incite male competition.Bonus excerpt and figure from the full text: "Sexual arousal and orgasm in humans may be communicated by verbal or non-verbal sounds (or both), including changes in respiratory rate (7), moans, and gasps (4-9). Some individuals sob or laugh uncontrollably during orgasm (6, 9). Individually or culturally improvised verbalizations may also accompany coitus and orgasm (5, 6, 9). Individuals may suppress all copulatory vocalization, usually from fear of being overheard (9). Humans may also vocalize to mimic orgasm (8). Sonagrams of human copulatory vocalizations (Fig. 1) obtained from films and a tape (10) show that female sounds gradually intensified as orgasm approached and at orgasm assumed a rapid, regular (equal note lengths and inter-note intervals) rhythm absent in the males' calls at orgasm. At climax, the sounds of both females and males are explosive bursts that are more structurally complex at this time than elsewhere in the copulatory sequence. Neither sex, however, showed the complexity of note structure characteristic of baboon copulatory vocalizations."
Photo: flickr/Simply Abbey
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