It somehow escaped my attention in 2008 that a version of the Taser (the "C2 Personal Protector") is now available for consumer use. Yes, you too can subdue potential attackers with same technology as the Gainesville police. In the far reaches of the CES North Hall, a company marketing associate demonstrated the product (no she didn't tase me, she just turned it on -- but it was still pretty scary) and outlined a few product benefits: - shoots two small, fishhook-ended probes into an attacker from fifteen feet away, incapacitating him or her with 30 seconds of electrical pulse; - comes with a lifetime replacement guarantee -- when you tase someone, you're supposed to drop the weapon and run away (taking the Taser with you might recapacitate your attacker). Afterwards, if you send the company the police report, they will send you a new C2 for free; - available in six colors. The spokeswoman also loved that she could take the C2 to places like bars in her homestate of Arizona where she was prohibited by law from bringing her concealed firearm. Buyer beware, however. The C2 is illegal in several states (including New York and New Jersey) and comes with a sophisticated lock that only opens after you've completed a background check.