All of us at SciStarter want to thank you for learning about, sharing, or engaging in science. You inspire us. Thank you.
Ben Kreckx
Below, you'll find a cornucopia full of Thanksgiving-themed citizen science projects. Gobble 'em up!
The SciStarter Team
American Gut
Stuffed yet? Did you know that what you eat affects your microbiome? Participate in the discovery about the microbiome by comparing microbes in your gut (or in your mouth or on your skin) to those of thousands of participants around the world.
Location: Global
Friday After Thanksgiving Chain Reaction
Lily Bui
This one is for fun! Making a chain reaction allows people to explore their own creativity and see how their unique contraptions relate to a larger whole. No matter how unique the devices, inevitably, with a little string and duct tape, they all work together beautifully. Be a part of the chain reaction!
Location: Event in Massachusetts, teams travel from all over US
Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count
Candace Fallon
In California? Now's the time to view awesome clusters of monarchs at their overwintering sites. Share your observations and contribute to this annual monarch census.
Location: California
Mushroom Observer
By some estimates, we only know about five percent of the world's fungi species. This is the best time of year for citizen scientists in Minnesota to get outside and help discover more fungi!
Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota, US
World Community Grid
World Community Grid
This Thanksgiving, help scientists accelerate the discovery of life-saving solutions for those in need. Simply donate your computer's unused computing power to fuel networked research.
Location: Global, Online
Discover more summertime citizen science on the SciStarter calendar. Did you know your SciStarter dashboard helps you track your contributions to projects? Complete your profile to access free tools. Want even more citizen science? Check out SciStarter's Project Finder! With 1100+ citizen science projects spanning every field of research, task and age group, there's something for everyone!