1) Post from the past:Dwarfism and cell division. 2) Weird search query of the week: "is it legal to marry your third cousin." 3) Comment of the week, in response to Pleasure through signalling:
Once at a farmer’s market I bought a couple little things that looked like habaneros. The guy who sold them to me looked at me like I was insane which I should have taken as a clue. I chopped them up and through them in a salsa and the effect was –it wasn’t like a normal spiciness in any way. It was more like nerve gas. I was overcome with a sort of intense nausea and vertigo and violent ‘steaming’ sensation through my whole body. It was like I could feel areas of the surface of my skin violently spewing out some kind of gas like out of a steam vent. Also it was really spicy and fried every part of my GI tract during it’s ten minute journey. (like Charlie Sheen on a bender in my bowels). Anyone else ever run into this weird pepper?
4) And finally, your weekly fluff fix: