Who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory? Well, here's one with plenty of juicy details--and delightfully hand-drawn figures to boot! This gem from the journal Medical Hypotheses
(which used to publish conceptual articles without peer review) lays out the "evidence" that President Kennedy was not shot with a gun, but rather was killed by poison arrow, possibly shot from an umbrella. Surprisingly, The Penguin was never once mentioned in the full text. Unbelievable.
President Kennedy's death: a poison arrow-assisted homicide. “‘President John F. Kennedy’s death was a neurotoxin-assisted homicide’ is the hypothesis of this study. A review of medical evidence demonstrates evidence of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide. The convergence of three independent actions, or the signature traits of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide- the emergence of neurological signs consistent with a neurotoxin-induced paralysis, the induction of a small neck wound consistent with a flechette-transported neurotoxin entry wound, and the execution of a coverup to eliminate neurotoxin evidence, supports this hypothesis. This review suggests, JFK’s death had all the signature traits of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide.” Bonus figure:
Figure 5. Flechette-transported neurotoxin with Popup Fins. Related content: Discoblog: NCBI ROFL: The history of poisoning in the future: lessons from Star Trek. Discoblog: NCBI ROFL: Grad student motivation: Solved. Discoblog: NCBI ROFL: Nothing like a thin coat of earwax to keep the bugs away.