hominoid (hä-me-noyed). n. Umbrella term for the primate superfamily, Hominoidea: gibbons, great apes (gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees), and humans.
hominid (hä-me-nid). n. Traditionally, modern humans and their ancestors. More recently, any member of the family Hominidae: great apes and human lineages.
hominin (hä-me-nin). n. A relatively new, and somewhat controversial, term used to describe members of the tribe hominini, the human lineage only.
ad hominem (ad hä-me-nem). adj. Paying heed to emotional or personal prejudices rather than to logic, as in an argument. Literally, it means “to the person.”
homonym (hä-me-nim). n. One of two or more words with the same sound and often the same spelling but different meanings, such as to, two, and too or bank (embankment) and bank (financial institution).