Looks like DISQUS has finally been enabled on this website. I know it doesn't resolve all the issues that cropped up with the site transition, but for me it's an excellent first step. I assume most of you know how DISQUS works. Basically if you have a Google, Yahoo!, Twitter or a Facebook account you can just login with that. Or, you can create your own DISQUS account. Once again I have much greater control over comments. So I have to approve the first comment. And I can remove/ban people at my discretion. With these conditions met I will now again spend much more time in comments. To kick it off I figured I would put up an "unlurk" post. If you want to tell readers/and or/me who you are, go ahead. It will also be a chance for regulars to allow me to approve their comment so that they don't have to wait in the queue in the future.