Today, for the show airing next Monday, I'm interviewing Skepchick founder Rebecca Watson. She's a fast rising star in the skeptic movement, and one who--as many already know--has recently been at the center of a huge controversy involving how some in the skeptic/atheist movement treat the concerns of women. You can read about it here, and Phil Plait has the full back story: Suffice it to say that it involves not only what one skeptic man (now infamously) said to Watson in an elevator at 4 in the morning, but how Richard Dawkins then dove in and minimized the incident. We'll be discussing this and the lessons to be taken from it--as well as Watson's important work to spread skepticism and, especially, to make the skeptic movement a more welcoming place for women. Comments here will be considered as possible questions and jumping-off points for the show.