In the next installment of Point of Inquiry, I'm going to be cutting back on the heavy science policy stuff for a moment, and instead exploring a recent, dramatic success in the realm of science popularization. That success is science writer Deb Blum's marvelous The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York. There is no better way, I think, to get a chemistry lesson and not feel bored by it....and of course, Blum's book has been selling like hotcakes thanks to the power of her narrative. You can get Blum's book online here; and of course, as usual I will be taking questions for Blum both here on the blog and also at the Point of Inquiry forums. So send them in now...and we'll get some of them on the air. The show records Wednesday, to air Friday, so questions received after Wednesday early am won't be in the running....