Growing up in a certified Democratic union-belonging, Nixon-hating, ERA-lobbying household, I naturally cut my comic teeth on Doonesbury. My dad always had the latest (and not so latest) compendium lying around, and I've read and reread the complete set many times. I wrote one of my college application essays on Doonesbury, and was enough of a Fan that my parents wrangled me the following as a graduation present before I headed off to college:
Given this history, and the college noted on the inscription, you can imagine how tickled I've been by the story lines involving hipster geek Alex Doonesbury. After an on-line poll querying "Where should Alex go to college" was hacked by students from MIT, off to MIT she dutifully went. While plenty of us have griped about the portrayal of scientists in the media (and women in particular) -- see Zuska's recent snarkfest about CBS's latest offering "The Big Bang" -- I have to send out props to someone doing it right. In particular, I'm loving this week's strips featuring hot chicks acing MIT while still acting like someone you'd like to know. Trudeau even suggests that geeks in high school can even have dates! Lots of them! So thanks Gary!