The U.S. Military has been after a vomit-inducing weapon for years. The idea is to use flashing lights that can make an enemy so dizzy, he hurls (and thereby becomes disoriented and unable to fight). But while the government has sunk millions into creating the perfect spew-ray gun, a couple of hardware hackers recently slapped one together for around $250. From
Using a flashlight from Sears, a set of three-dollar LEDs, a nine-volt battery, and a heat sink ripped off a PC processor, they managed to put together a functioning dazzler-cum-vomit-beam. And then they published step-by-step instructions on how you can build one, too.
Click here for the video, if you think your stomach is strong enough. Related Content: Discoblog: Disarmingly Cute: 8 Military Robots That Spy, Fly, and Do Yoga Discoblog: Pentagon’s New Plan to Rain Down Painful Beams From the Sky Discoblog: U.S. Military Takes on the War Against…Bugs