New York City has been attacked by all manner of monsters and alien invaders, but never before have its assailants been so, well, low-res. A magnificent new video from Patrick Jean and One More Production shows an assault on the city that begins when a stream of pixels explode out of TV screen. Soon, the unwary streets of Manhattan are under attack from pixellated Space Invaders. Pac-Man runs amok in the subway stations, Tetris blocks slam down on skyscrapers, and Donkey Kong stands atop the Empire State Building. For anyone whose childhood dreams were invaded by these crude villains, the video is pure nostalgic delight. Watch and enjoy. Related Content: Visual Science: The Pixel Vision of Kirk Crippens Discoblog: Will The iPad Blend? Watch and Find Out. Discoblog: Who Needs Million-Dollar Producers? Girl Reproduces Pop Hits Via iPhone Apps Discoblog: Book-Balancing, Rubik’s Cube-Solving, Pi-Reciting Geek Girl Goes Viral Discoblog: The Mother of all Rube Goldberg Machines!