TechCrunch has a post up on the declining public usage of Google+. It's been several months since I've been "using" Google+. I put usage in quotes because I am not a big active poster on twitter, Facebook, or Google+. But I do participate passively a fair amount. At this point for me I can say that Google+ is turning into a very different beast from Facebook. I have 70 people in a circle labeled "Friends," but well over 700 in another labeled "Internet." The latter category are those individuals who I basically don't know, but usually know of me. Recall that I purposely limited the number of individual who I invited to Google+. So I've been passive the whole time. At this point I suspect that within ~3-4 months, at current rates, I will have more people in my Google+ circles than who follow me on twitter. And remember, I raised the funds to defray the cost of a genotyping kit via Google+. That's worth something. I didn't get any response on twitter or Facebook. Why? I think because Facebook is strongly biased toward people who I know in real life, not all of whom share my obsession with personal genomics. My twitter followers exhibit a stronger concordance of interests, but still far less than those people who sought me out on Google+.