Sibling rivalries will never be the same, so long as there are drones in the household.
A video produced by YouTube’s Devin Super Tramp called “Drone Wars” is a fun take on the 21st century hijinks kids might get into while their parents are away. A young girl does everything she can to flee from a pack of buzzing, tiny drones controlled by three mischievous boys holed up in a bedroom.
Parents, take note.
Getting the Shots
The stars of the video are all various types of drones sold by French drone manufacturer Parrot, which was one of the first companies to release a line of purely recreational drones. Pay close attention, and you’ll see Parrot’s Jumping Sumo, the Rolling Spider, and the Bebop drone all make an appearance in this high-paced film. For an idea of how popular these drones — and drones in general — are getting, chew on this: In the first quarter of 2015, Parrot’s year-over-year sales jumped 356 percent.
The video itself looks like a seamless 2 minutes and 44 seconds of drama, but it took the team six nights to pull off. Each scene took about 30 minutes to shoot, according to a behind-the-scenes video. Many of the pilots in the film were flying drones for the first time.
But not to worry: No one was harmed (seriously) during the making of this video. And unlike the drone that sliced Enrique Iglesias’ hand, these tiny drones are far less of a threat to life and limb. Still, we feel obligated to remind sibling rivals not to try this at home.
Photo credit: Screengrab from YouTube