After posting on Basque mtDNA I wanted to make something more explicit that I alluded to below, that uniparental lineages are highly informative, but they may not be representative of total genome content. This is plainly true in the case of mestizos from Latin America, but we don't need genetics to point us in the right direction on this score, we have plenty of textual evidence for asymmetry in sexes when it came to admixture events in the post-Columbian era. Rather, I want to note again the issue of South Asia. When it comes to mtDNA the good majority of South Asian lineages are closer to those of East Asia than Western Eurasia. By this, I do not mean to say that that they're particular close to East Asian lineages, only that if you go back in the phylogeny the South Asian lineages (I'm thinking here of haplogroup M) they tend to coalesce first with East Asian lineages before they do so with West Eurasian lineages. Here is a quote from one of the definitive papers on this topic: