I went over to the WeCanKnow.com site: The countdown to rapture is at "0 months, 0 days." The Family Radio site is also silent--as is the strangely unpopular Twitter feed, which I just followed. So now it is time for some answers. Southern Baptist Ed Stetzer has put it well:
“Harold Camping, pls update www.family.radio.com w/your repentance statement & instructions to your now-broke followers,” Stetzer tweeted.
Like I said before, I don't expect any repentance. I expect rationalization. But surely something needs to be said--fast. This false prediction drew massive media attention, and some very unfortunate people changed their lives--gave up their lives, basically--because of it. Prophets bear great responsibility--especially when they're wrong. P.S.: Gotta love the New York Times headline: "Despite Careful Calculations, The World Does Not End."