Someone on twitter was curious about GOP attitudes toward astrology. I left the party breakdown out of the previous post because ideology accounts for most party differences. In other words, conservatives are more skeptical of astrology than liberals, and Republicans more than Democrats, but the second result just seems to emerge from the Republican's greater conservatism.
Why are independents so gullible? It probably has to do with their lower average intelligence (this goes for moderates too). So I simply limited the sample to those with at least bachelor's degrees to control for intelligence:
Astrology very scientificAstrology somewhat scientificAstrology not scientific
Strong Democrat63163
Lean Democrat42867
Lean Republican32671
Strong Republican42076
The distinctiveness of independents diminishes somewhat, but Democrats with college degrees or more remain more gullible than Republicans with the same (the difference remains if you control for sex by the way).
Limited to those with college degrees or more
Astrology very scientificAstrology somewhat scientificAstrology not scientific
Strong Democrat32176
Lean Democrat22178
Lean Republican1990
Strong Republican11089