Image: Flickr/Greg ClarkeThis cleverly (or perhaps horribly?) titled study, "Achy breaky makey wakey heart? A randomised crossover trial of musical prompts", describes how researchers tested whether listening to 'Achy breaky heart' or 'Disco science' helps improve people's ability to perform CPR. The authors had professionals at an Australian ambulance conference perform CPR on a dummy while either not listening to music, or while listening to songs with beats that match the correct speed of CPR compressions. It turns out that 'Disco science' helped keep the rescuers on time. Just don't tell my achy breaky heart that means we should listen to it, too!
Achy breaky makey wakey heart? A randomised crossover trial of musical prompts.
"Compared with no music (NM), does listening to 'Achy breaky heart' (ABH) or 'Disco science' (DS) increase the proportion of prehospital professionals delivering chest compressions at 2010 guideline-compliant rates of 100-120 bpm and 50-60 mm depths? METHODS: A randomised crossover trial recruiting at an Australian ambulance conference. Volunteers performed three 1-min sequences of continuous chest compressions on a manikin accompanied by NM, repeated choruses of ABH and DS, prerandomised for order. RESULTS: 37 of 74 participants were men; median age 37 years; 61% were paramedics, 20% students and 19% other health professionals. 54% had taken cardiopulmonary resuscitation training within 1 year. Differences in compression rate (mode, IQR) were significant for NM (105, 99-116) versus ABH (120, 107-120) and DS (104, 103-107) versus ABH (p0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Listening to DS significantly increased the proportion of prehospital professionals compressing at 2010 guideline-compliant rates. Regardless of intervention more than half gave compressions that were too shallow. Alternative audible feedback mechanisms may be more effective." Related content: Zip-related genital injury.Which brand of ball point pen is best for an emergency airway puncture?Penis stuck in a PVC pipe? We have a solution!