OK, perhaps I can help with that. Dr. Coop speaks of the collaboration between himself & Dr. Joseph Pickrell, Haldane's Sieve, which I added to my RSS days ago (and you can see me pushing it to my Pinboard). From the "About":
As described above, most posts to Haldane’s Sieve will be basic descriptions of relevant preprints, with little to no commentary. All posts will have comment sections where discussion of the papers will be welcome. A second type of post will be detailed comments on a preprint of particular interest to a contributor. These posts could take the style of a journal review, or may simply be some brief comments. We hope they will provide useful feedback to the authors of the preprint. Finally, there will be posts by authors of preprints in which they describe their work and place it in broader context. We ask the commenters to remember that by submitting articles to preprint servers the authors (often biologists) are taking a somewhat unusual step. Therefore, comments should be phrased in a constructive manner to aid the authors.
It might be helpful if other evolution/genetics bloggers reblog this so we can push it up the Google search results. If you google "Haldane's Sieve" some of the results are interesting...and not necessarily in a good way. I do feel guilt blogging on stuff my readers can't get, so the more preprints become acceptable the more we (as in, the general public) can understand about evolution.