Think picking a date on looks alone is a little shallow? How about picking your kids? The owners of the dating site have no qualms on the subject--they've launched a "virtual sperm and egg bank" where users can select beautiful people's beautiful genetics by signing up for their beautiful gametes. Though the company won't perform egg extractions or accept sperm donations, they will serve as matchmakers and then forward the interested parties to the proper clinics. The company says its exclusive dating site--you can only join if other members judge you attractive enough--is a magnificent resource for those looking to breed up. As reported by ABC News, the site has decided to generously offer its services even to the beauty-challenged.
"Initially, we hesitated to widen the offering to non-beautiful people. But everyone--including ugly people--would like to bring good looking children in to the world, and we can't be selfish with our attractive gene pool," company founder Robert Hintze said in a statement.
Everyone from bioethicists to the professionals who run clinics are concerned about site visitors skipping over the proper medical and psychological screenings. There is also concern about the participants' expectations--and perhaps basic understanding of genetics. Just because biological mummy and daddy have good looks, it doesn't necessarily mean their offspring will. If doesn't make that clear, things could get very ugly. Related content: Discoblog: Dating a Dud? Blame It on Biology Discoblog: Worst Science Article of the Week? Women are getting "hotter" Disoblog: In Japan, Your Blood Type Could Get You Hired…Or Fired 80beats: No Gattaca Here: Genetic Anti-Discrimination Law Goes Into Effect
Image: flickr / alainelorza