Need a little relief from oil-soaked pelicans and dead dolphins, angry Louisiana officials and ambiguous BP representatives, top kills and containment domes? The following hope to entertain, amuse, and mitigate (temporarily) depression and despair. A New Logo Greenpeace has started a contest to create a more fitting BP logo, such as the one on the left, featured on flickr. The flickr page boasts almost 1,000 fury-fueled entries so far. A PR Twitter FeedFictional updates all day long about BP's goings-on.
"Wait, Oil PLUMES? We thought you asked about oil PLUMS in the ocean. How silly! Yes, yes, there are TONS of oil plumes!"
A Coffee Spill?Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre
has given viewers a look at what might happen after a BP executive spills his coffee.
"Everybody calm down. I've got Kevin Costner on the phone. He'll know what to do for sure."
Recent posts on the Gulf oil spill: 80beats: Meet the Oil-Covered Pelicans, Symbols of the BP Oil Spill 80beats: This Hurricane Season Looks Rough, And What If One Hits the Oil Spill? 80beats: We Did the Math: BP Oil Spill Is Now Worse Than the Exxon Valdez 80beats: “Top Kill” Operation Is Under Way in Attempt to Stop Gulf Oil Leak 80beats: Scientists Say Gulf Spill Is Way Worse Than Estimated. How’d We Get It So Wrong?
Image: flickr / Amy Phetamine