There doesn't appear to be much mainstream news coverage of yesterday's big climate confab on the Hill, so it's a good thing we have blogs to pick up the slack. If you want a descriptive overview, check out Jeff Tollefson at Nature. For a selective play by play, including color commentary by Gavin Schmidt, go to Eli Kintisch at Science and click on the "replay" inside the Cover it Live box. (I could have done without the Greek Chorus of commenters.) If members of the climate concerned community are looking for some red meat, Joe Romm obliges with his post on Judith Curry's testimony. On the whole, Andrew Revkin says that the House Committee on Science and Technology
pulled off a (relatively) civil hearing on basic questions related to climate science and policy options.
If you want to watch the whole thing and decide for yourself, here's the video. If anyone has other links to notable commentary or news coverage on the hearing, please share them in the comments section.