I have a belated wish for the New Year. I want the CNAS Natural Security bloggers to juice up their posts. I want that blog to generate dialogue and become a must-read in green circles. I'm already a fan, but that's because I'm interested in the environment/security intersection. So I dutifully check in to see what the latest policy papers or related news Natural Security is flagging. They need to liven things up over there, write with a stronger voice, and maybe throw a few elbows around. Enough already with the polite, wonky, approach. If Natural Security wants to be a player in environmental debates, it should emulate its sister blog. Or any of the frontline bloggers at Forign Policy. To do that, they have to be fully engaged not just with current political events and recent journal articles, but also with other bloggers. The blogosphere is where average, interested readers go to watch the action and join in. If you want your ideas to gain greater currency, you gotta step into the ring. It's not enough to just be in the arena. So guys, put on the gloves and get in the damn ring. It's just a lot of sparring. And nobody really gets hurt, unless they're overly sensitive. It's actually quite invigorating. And who knows, you may even land a few punches.