I'm always amazed at how climate bloggers blame the media every time the narrative isn't to their liking. Joe Romm and Michael Tobis, on one side of the spectrum, are famous for this. They often complain of a press that gives too much credence to climate skeptics. Additionally, both have asserted that "climategate" was a non-story that became a media-manufactured controversy because of irresponsible journalists. Now I see that Bishop Hill, on the other side of the spectrum, believes that media outlets have recently "coordinated" a wave of stories with "warmist themes." Right. I'm sure the editors of BBC and The Times and Nature got together at a London pub and said, "Time to move the pendulum back to the pro-AGW angle." C'mon. Pack journalism ain't pretty, that much we should agree on. And it can be tragic and shameful. Unfortunately, it's an entity of the profession that is hard to do away with. But it's not coordinated.