I'm such a piker that I always think it's neat when 10 or 20 people retweet me. Occasionally, when the planets are aligned, several dozen will retweet a piece of mine or something interesting I may have said in 160 characters. I mean, it's not like I'm Donald Trump, who has over 2 million followers. Oh, look, here's one of his from yesterday that was retweeted 1,200 times:
The freezing cold weather across the country is brutal. Must be all that global warming. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2013
Rupert Murdoch, not to be outdone by such a wannabe mogul, chimed in today with this tweet:
Back in US. What happened to global warming? London, D.C, New York seem like new ice age! Rockies too. — Rupert Murdoch(@rupertmurdoch) January 26, 2013
"And that's the way it is," as a news anchor used to say every night before signing off. At least that's where we still are with this weather/climate misunderstanding. Or maybe with Trump and Murdoch this is just a case of, as Forrest Gump famously said: