The former veep hits both houses of Congress today--David Roberts has a very useful rundown of the hurdles he will face, including cross-ex from good old Inhofe. I am not particularly worried that on an intellectual level, Gore will have a serious problem with questions from any individual member. He knows climate science better than all of them. Apparently the first hearing, beginning at 9:30, will be live webcast here. I will be watching closely to see if anyone actually scores any points against Gore on the science. More likely, we'll get the standard misbehavior and disregard for established knowledge from some Republicans--as evidenced by this silly question leaked by Drudge (via Roberts):
Mr. Gore: How can you continue to claim that global warming on Earth is primarily caused by mankind when other planets (Mars, Jupiter and Pluto) with no confirmed life forms and certainly no man-made industrial greenhouse gas emissions also show signs of global warming? Wouldn't it make more sense that the sun is responsible for warming since it is the common denominator?