Like most bullies, partisan bloggers that use intimidation tactics don't like it when they get called out. The latest instance is Marc Morano, who, in response to a post I put up this morning, has already countered at Climate Depot:
Warmist Kloor: 'The Morano Gauntlet': 'GOP contenders for Pres. will be forced to run the Morano gauntlet if they don't march in lockstep with the newly hardened GOP orthodoxy on global warming'Kloor Makes Mafia Reference: [Morano's warning] 'spoken like a true climate capo' -- Capo defnintion: 'A caporegime or capodecina, usually shortened to just a capo, is a term used in Mafia for a high ranking made member of a crime family who heads a 'crew' of soldiers and has major social status and influence in the organization'
Now there's one thing about that Capo reference Marc should know. I have used it previously at this site to describe the thuggish behavior of a certain climate blogger who also growls when getting a taste of his own medicine. For example, here's an opening line to a post I wrote two years ago:
This is rich, coming from the Global Warming capo on the left, he who relishes rhetorical knee-capping.
More recently, I also invoked the term here:
But there's too much of an echo chamber"“especially in the climate blogopshere"“ and anyone who steps even a teensy out of line risks getting worked over by the climate capo and his band of loyalists.
So Marc, consider yourself in good company. And remember: A hit job is a hit job, no matter what the politics of the assassin.