A couple of weeks ago, Megan McArdle managed to hit the climate blogogphere jackpot with a post entitled, "Why We Should Act to Stop Global Warming--and Why We Won't." Her post triggered simultaneous eruptions at the polar ends of the climate landscape. I was rather jealous. It's quite a feat when you get the Morano/Romm wings frothing at the same time. But aside from the histrionics from the usual suspects, it was also quite an interesting piece. As it happens, I have zeroed in on only one of the particular aspects (which dovetails with the main criticism leveled by the Romm wing) of it, in a at the Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media. In a over there, McArdle has taken me to task for the inference I make. We also had a bit of a Twitter exchange over it, which ended with me eventually crying uncle (sorta) and also me making sure she knew I was a fan of her blog (which is true). Anyway, go over and have a read and then tell me if I'm off base or not.