I see Grist has reproduced this post from Brad Johnson, including the headline playing off a Kevin Trenberth quote:
Top climate scientist on monster tornadoes: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change'
I've given this some deep, deep thought. It seems the logic underlying that statement can be applied to most any major event, catastrophe or lifestyle pattern that is believed to have some climate change connection. So my deep thought observation is that we can come up with any number of similar headlines with just a few words substituted:
Top climate scientist on Arab revolts: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change' Top climate scientist on Texas wildfires: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change'
You get the picture. We could also get creative:
Top climate scientist on combined carbon footprint of Al Gore and Thomas Friedman: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change' Top climate scientist on suburban sprawl: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change' Top climate scientist on endless growth of cities in arid and water-constrained landscapes: 'It'd be irresponsible not to mention climate change'
Can you think of any others?