No doubt, regular readers have already heard the news. Lucia's header is clever, but I like mine better.
So the timing is obvious, of course, as Andy Revkin sardonically notes in a tweet. Richard Tol seems wearily perplexed:
and here we go again -- as if Durban isn't dead enough
During some back and forth with him, I opine:
Leaks intended (I believe) to influence public opinion, not official positions [of countries]. New batch doesn't get big play w/out news hook.
One of the interesting subplots will be how the press handles this latest batch of leaked climate science emails. Journalists tend to get giddy off the slightest whiff of scandal. Lots of climate concerned folk are still bitter over the media's role the last time around. (Of course, climate skeptics think the press fell down on the job, too, so go figure.) Meanwhile, watchdogs on the left are already on high alert. For example, I think Brad Johnson was the first out of the box with a pre-emptive warning to journos. I haven't had a chance to read any of the emails yet, but I suspect (and I could turn out to be wrong) that the payoff will ultimately underwhelm. Remember, drug addicts are always chasing after that first high.